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Smashed Window
- Angel Wings
- Smashed glass sticker
- Caption card
You will need
- Your elf :)
- Doll stand
- Wooden Easel
- Flat clear surface
i.e: Window/Mirror/Shower door etc
WARNING - Do not use sticker on any window/glass surface that may have any special treatments/films as this may get damaged on removal
Step 1
Clean Mirror/Window surface and place sticker at elf height
Step 2
Secure elf in standing position using doll stand
Unfold red pipe cleaners on angel wings and wrap around elf waist tying at the back. Place elf hat, if possible through the angel halo.
*If you used our Poseable Elf Kit to make your elf bendable - bend arms so that hands are in front of mouth so your elf looks extra mischievious
Step 3
Place caption card on wooden easel
Additional Elf instructions
Use the additional elf doll stand to secure in standing position and secure angel wings

Check out our Smashed Window video..
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